I recently saw a picture of ex #2 on FB. He looks great. Amazing actually. The feeling? It made my heart happy. It actually burst open for him. I know he’s struggled with his sobriety and he looks like he’s in a really good place. I thought to send him a note, but I...
The Cancer Within
This is the cancer within my body. One night, it asked to be seen. So, as I do with much of my art, it intuitively drew and then colored itself. Entitled, The Cancer. It’s been named and drawn because it’s very real. In the past, it’s been easy to disassociate from...
This Isn’t Necessary
This is the message that kept coming to me while I was away between surgeries. Many times, when I hear a message, it’s a singular whisper into my consciousness. This one though wouldn’t let me be. I heard it but didn’t know how to move through it or what it fully...
The Game of (L~) IF (~E)
When I was young, I loved to play the board game by the same name. We’d spin the wheel, anticipate where we wanted to land, and made tradeoffs between career and adventures. We played for the fun of the experiences and hated when illness set in. A board game created...
Chasing the Margins
It’s been a quiet week. Post-surgery, there’s been anesthesia brain where my mind didn’t feel like focusing or thinking. My eyes either. It was news to me that they tape your eyes shut during surgery. In a way it makes sense, to not startle the surgeon or nurses with...
When It’s Not Benign: The Gift of Love
I’ve been in judgment of my body for as long as I can remember. There’s a saying that when I point a finger, three are pointing back at me. In this case though, when I’m in judgment of some aspect of self, it’s not just four fingers pointing at me, it’s me pointing at...
You Are A Divine Being
You are a divine being. If you’d said this to me even six months ago, I would have said no, turned around and walked away. Even through all of the “work” I’d done to clear my past, I didn’t believe I was worthy of this. Yet it’s our birthright. We are all born of...
My Love-Hate Relationship with Christmas
Magic happened every night when our Christmas tree was lit up. Looking at the lights on the tree, the reflection of the ornaments, I saw into the possibilities. The anticipation of what would be. I remember the gifts, all carefully wrapped. We expressed our connection...
What’s Driving You?
Do you know where your thoughts and energy are taking you? It’s a vital question to explore and to understand. Here in the U.S., we’re a week out of the election and more divided than ever. I’ve been watching with great interest and it’s a fascinating study in human...
You’re (Not) Responsible
What does being responsible mean? Depending on your perspective, it may take you in any number of directions. The root of the word responsible originated in the 1590’s ~ to be answerable, to another or for something. With it, comes a sense of obligation. For many,...