Hi, I’m Stephanie

I understand what it’s like to achieve success according to everyone else’s definition, but still feel unsatisfied.
From a young age, I lived with trauma, addiction, and abuse. I proved my worth by the things around me and by my accomplishments because there was little that felt good inside.
I spent time on people and things rather than on me because that’s what made me feel good.
I had a 27-year career on Wall Street and pushed myself to mental and physical exhaustion in order to achieve and climb the corporate ladder. It never felt like it was enough. So I created bigger things to distract myself.
It wasn’t until I started to understand the impact of my internalized energy that I saw my patterns. That’s when things truly began to shift.

I learned to fill my own needs and desires, and direct my life in a way that fed me. I changed my career and set boundaries in my relationships to build a life on my own terms.
Since then, I’ve helped hundreds of people find their sense of self and unravel their patterns. I’ve published two best-selling books, and spoken extensively on the subject of finding our voice and stepping into our true selves.
I am a warrior for your mission. I am a teacher. Your business, your life, your younger self, your healing journey. I’m a protector of your truths, and I will show and teach you alternative ways to consider doing and being. I break down complex problems into manageable pieces, laying out the road ahead. I open you up to what you haven’t seen and we connect you with the source, the origin point of the distortions you’ve subconsciously held so that they can be transcended.
I see you transform before my eyes and always see the light and perfection of who you really are.

My Story

When I was young, I took on the world as if it was my responsibility. Back then, we didn’t know about healthy boundaries and I certainly didn’t understand discernment. The thoughts and energies of those I grew up around, along with my own stories, lived in my subconscious and invisibly informed my decision making for many years.
I had a lot of stories. I’m the 4th generation of women in my family deeply affected by growing up and living around alcoholism. I experienced sexual abuse multiple times at a young age. I numbed my own pain, didn’t feel safe to speak up, and did what I thought I was supposed to do in order to make my way and survive. I followed the “rules” and I followed in the footsteps of the women who walked before me. Along the way, I lost the connection to true joy in my life.
My life has always been about solving puzzles and seeing the interconnections in things. Before the age of 2, I saw the beauty in a blade of grass and how the blades all fit together. At this age, I was also communicating via my heart before I was able to articulate my feelings through words.
Not long after, I turned myself off, because it wasn’t safe to feel. It was easier to put all of my effort into the people and things around me because this was how I felt worthy.
Through the years, I went to therapy, did 12-step, cleaned out and organized my closets, made lists, did Feng Shui, created mantras and affirmations. They all helped to a point, and I still felt stuck.
After I was transitioned out of my Wall Street executive position not long after my second divorce, I had the choice to continue to suffer in silence, or give a voice to what wanted to be seen.
I went into a profound state of learning and healing. Unraveling my stories and working to understand the “why.” When I voiced some of the most shameful things I was holding within me, they lost their iron grip. There is nothing that can’t be shared and nothing that can’t be healed when you approach your journey with openness and honesty.
I deeply understand the impact of trauma held within the body, and the importance to our vitality, to clear and heal it. I did the work I now share with you.
Through my own journey, I found that much of what I carried wasn’t my own, which included ancestral patterns, and energies from my own past lives. I learned that:
- The hard boundaries I’d created actually kept me away from what I really wanted;
- The stories I told myself about thriving in chaos and of being a “survivor” kept me attached to the very stories I worked hard to get away from;
- Putting my heart and soul into everything around me – the career, house, gardens, relationships – took me further and further away from who I really am and left me feeling empty when life shifted;
- God is not a punishing God. It’s the people who were around me acting out of their own pain that was punishing. Once I let go of feeling like a victim of the world, I was able to see the bigger picture.
It can feel like a divine conspiracy. The stories we create, experience, and continue to tell ourselves, are what actually keeps us away from who we truly are.
Client Testimonial

Jonathan Christian – Founder of We Make Stuff Happen
My mission now is working with people and watching them step into the next level of themselves. Helping them to understand the pieces of their own puzzle and thus free themselves of old patterns and stories. It’s an honor to stand in and share the healing gifts I’ve been given and entrusted.
My work encompasses a vast toolbox of modalities which combines the practical and metaphysical.
Your purpose, at it’s very base, is to reconnect with the joy and love that you were born with, that are inherently yours. What you do doesn’t define who you are. The journey is to reconnect with yourself out from underneath the layers of your stories. To thrive in a world that feels like it wants otherwise.
The Way of the Diamond Warrior was created as a revolution to a new state of being in this world. You have facets that want to be seen, most importantly by you. You’re not here to be controlled or manipulated or silenced. The silencing isn’t just of your voice, it’s of your soul. There are millions of things that needed to happen for your existence here on this planet. The fact that you’re here speaks to your legitimacy. It goes far beyond worthiness.
When you let go of the reins to the world around you, and focus on the truth of who you really are, your essence emanates from you. There’s nothing you need to prove anymore. As you shift, the world around you naturally shifts, and the only change may be within you. This is true, incredible freedom.
I believe there is no story that can’t be given a voice. I teach you alternative ways of doing and being. I see you transformed before my very eyes and always see the light and perfection of who you are. People I’ve worked with thought they’d always have to live with their pains. Through our work together, they’ve been able to forever free themselves.
In addition to 27 years on Wall Street:
- I founded and operated a gourmet preserves business ahead of its time
- I’m a two time international best-selling author
- I’ve worked and trained with healers and coaches worldwide
- I’m a Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master
- I’m a certified Oracle Guide, an intuitive healer, and studied mediumship with world-renowned mediums
- I led all sessions for a 3-day Serenity Retreat in January 2020 for 65 women
- I’m in the March 2020 movie “Speakers Who Dare” as the sole healer who dares.
- In my free time, I’m an avid cyclist, nature enthusiast, and a lover of art and live music. I fully use all of my senses to enjoy this wondrous life I’ve been given.
Stop wondering is this it?
Step fully into the truth that is you.