Four years of journals. On Friday, I received the message it was time to let them go. How could I best honor all of the thoughts, time and effort that went into them? It didn’t feel right to just throw them away. Four years of co-creation, ideas, manifestations,...
The Gift of Absolution
A few weeks ago, while in meditation, the Higher Self of a person from my past came to me and asked for absolution. It felt like an interesting request, one that I’m not able to fulfill. Years ago, as I worked through the effects of four years of sexual abuse, I...
The Language of Love
I recently saw a picture of ex #2 on FB. He looks great. Amazing actually. The feeling? It made my heart happy. It actually burst open for him. I know he’s struggled with his sobriety and he looks like he’s in a really good place. I thought to send him a note, but I...
The Road Ahead
Earlier this week I walked into the machine that is cancer treatment. Both my primary doctor and my naturopath (Dr. N) want me connected with an oncologist (Dr. O), in case low-dose chemo is called for as part of my breast cancer treatment. As I waited for my...
Chasing the Margins
It’s been a quiet week. Post-surgery, there’s been anesthesia brain where my mind didn’t feel like focusing or thinking. My eyes either. It was news to me that they tape your eyes shut during surgery. In a way it makes sense, to not startle the surgeon or nurses with...
As I Lay Me Down to Sleep
As a young girl, I was instructed to say my prayers before going to sleep. It was a nighttime ritual that goes back many generations. I can see myself kneeling in front of my bed and saying: Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, If I should die...
My Love-Hate Relationship with Christmas
Magic happened every night when our Christmas tree was lit up. Looking at the lights on the tree, the reflection of the ornaments, I saw into the possibilities. The anticipation of what would be. I remember the gifts, all carefully wrapped. We expressed our connection...
Thank You, But No
The holidays are here and there’s a push to gather. Many of us haven’t been together in person for what feels like a really long time. Some have made the decision to stay home. Others have decided to celebrate the holiday, together. And because the rest of the family...
You are Not a Mistake
There’s a quote with many variations I often heard during my corporate days, “Your lack of planning doesn’t constitute an emergency on my part.” Short of needing to put out the occasional fire, for the most part, this rings true when it comes to work. But when we...
The Road to Yourself
Juicy and inspiring conversations. This is what makes life richer. To be able to share what's in your heart and on your mind, freely. Here's two from the past week that are very different ... yet the essence of both are about discovering more deeply who you...