Thank You, But No

by | Nov 24, 2020 | Blog

The holidays are here and there’s a push to gather. Many of us haven’t been together in person for what feels like a really long time. Some have made the decision to stay home. Others have decided to celebrate the holiday, together. And because the rest of the family is gathering, who are you to not oblige?

In a recent conversation, a friend was really torn about whether or not to join a holiday gathering with her significant other. Knowing that none of the other attendees will be wearing masks, her discomfort was high.

The choice was either to be alone for the holiday, or go into a situation where she was going to feel really uncomfortable. If she goes and is the only one wearing a mask, or doesn’t go, people will have their opinions.

With both choices, she will be quiet. Yet one is a place of empowerment and honoring herself, the other not so.

You, as an adult, have free-will to make your own choice about what you do in your own home. Setting your own rules for behavior. But if in this age of a growing pandemic, someone doesn’t feel comfortable with the rules you’ve set for your gathering – masks or no masks, and says “thank you, but no,” please honor and respect both of your decisions.

We’re all doing what we think and feel is best for us. Sometimes this means respecting your loved one and releasing them with love, and gathering virtually until everyone feels their own sense of safety.


The energy of this week is about speaking your truth and not dimming your own light. Being true to yourself and speaking from your heart.

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Stephanie B. McAuliffe
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