Ready, Willing, and Able

Ready, Willing, and Able

Ready, willing and able is an old cliché that arose in our collective consciousness in the early 19th century. It implies that you have to be eager and fully prepared before moving into or doing something. For the smaller things in life, this may be apropos. To eat or...

The Road to Yourself

The Road to Yourself

Juicy and inspiring conversations. This is what makes life richer. To be able to share what's in your heart and on your mind, freely.   Here's two from the past week that are very different ... yet the essence of both are about discovering more deeply who you...

The State of You

The State of You

There’s a lot of noise right now. And a lot of uncertainty. So much so, that it’s driving us to try to turn off the world. Turn off FB. Turn off the news. But when we turn off the physical noise of FB and the news, what we have left to look at is ourselves. So, we...

The Energy of Our Torment

The Energy of Our Torment

Across the way from where I live is a beautiful river. Many days I walk along it for inspiration or to just be with nature. A few days ago, the thought came to me, “Are we torturing ourselves by delaying the obvious?” Wow! We as humans don’t like change. Sometimes...