Chasing the Margins

Chasing the Margins

It’s been a quiet week. Post-surgery, there’s been anesthesia brain where my mind didn’t feel like focusing or thinking. My eyes either. It was news to me that they tape your eyes shut during surgery. In a way it makes sense, to not startle the surgeon or nurses with...

As I Lay Me Down to Sleep

As I Lay Me Down to Sleep

As a young girl, I was instructed to say my prayers before going to sleep. It was a nighttime ritual that goes back many generations. I can see myself kneeling in front of my bed and saying: Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, If I should die...

When It’s Not Benign: The Gift of Love

When It’s Not Benign: The Gift of Love

I’ve been in judgment of my body for as long as I can remember. There’s a saying that when I point a finger, three are pointing back at me. In this case though, when I’m in judgment of some aspect of self, it’s not just four fingers pointing at me, it’s me pointing at...

How Are You?

How Are You?

It’s an age-old question that we use to open up conversations. But when you have something deeper going on, being asked this question isn’t always so innocent. Sometimes there’s an underlying, “what’s going on?” This journey of breast cancer is breaking me open in...

When It’s Not Benign: The Object of My Breast

When It’s Not Benign: The Object of My Breast

There’s a fascination with women’s breasts that goes back for millennia. They’re vessels via which we feed our babies. So they’re important from a childrearing perspective. But other than fun to play with, they’re a body part that many times requires extra articles of...