Across the way from where I live is a beautiful river. Many days I walk along it for inspiration or to just be with nature.
A few days ago, the thought came to me,
“Are we torturing ourselves by delaying the obvious?”
We as humans don’t like change. Sometimes when there’s been a lot of it, we try to put the brakes on life. Yet I’m reminded that we will never truly be able to control much of what happens around us.
And we’re never given more than we can handle.
But when we do try to control life, it’s similar to a racehorse that’s wearing blinders.
The owner is trying to keep the horse focused, on a straight and narrow path.
The owner is trying to control the horse through its mind, which may work temporarily. But the horse is fully aware of the energy in and around it, including the other horses.
It’s similar to the energy within us. There’s a push-pull, and we can resist all we want, but all we’re doing is expending a tremendous amount of energy to not see or allow what’s in front of us.
The blinders are a façade.
To keep us stuck in a lane and on a path that may not be serving us by keeping it so narrow.
There’s the saying what we resist persists. But I’m saying it differently.
We as a society have been taught to not trust our feelings, and so we ignore what’s really there. Keeping us in a place where we feel stuck.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
When we step into a deeper level of trust within ourselves, we step into a state of allowing.
The beautiful thing is that few things are permanent and we can always course correct. But if we don’t take even the smallest of steps, we’ll never know.
And when we don’t know, there’s a different form of mental and emotional torture – the shoulda, woulda, coulda spin.

It begins with your willingness to step onto the path and into the question of –
“what is it that’s here for me to experience?”
Because for you, maybe your heart is saying you no longer want to stand in the narrow lane anymore,
and instead,
step onto your path that’s wide open and waiting for you.
- Dandelions and Dreams - October 16, 2024
- What Dying Teaches Us About Living - August 9, 2024
- How Bubbles Reflect Our Energy - June 18, 2024